
Showing posts from September, 2019

Bridge Deck Pour

September 12, 2019 Tuesday was the deck pour, 17 hours!. We head back to Missouri tomorrow until Sunday. Going to have a busy couple days at home, hopefully we all get together and get the ramp put on at Grandmas house. Adenia and Liam were here this week, and Sunshine will be coming up the week after next. Ill be super happy to have my team here with me. Deck Pour Photos Music Video

Beautiful song

September 2019

Well we head back to Missouri today, for a day, back on Sunday. They are going to be pouring the deck of the last bridge here in Dubuque on Tuesday, I plan on filming all of it. I hope to maybe get some more work done on the camper tomorrow and of course see my grandson. Video of Liam Photos of Liam

Lipstick on a pig

I painted the floor in the camper! Pretty excited about how it looks. Ive been watching some youtube vids and im thinking of stenciling it now. What do you think?

Camper update

The bedroom floor is now repaired and I'm going to do a temporary fix in the rest of the camper with some latex paint until we can put the new floor down. I'll be back on the road with Luke now and won't have the time. I took a few pics of the new floor, I was so excited to do it by myself (using actual power tools) lol Completed bedroom floor PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT it would be nice to know someone has read this!!