
Showing posts from August, 2019


We have a new grandson, first one, not to sound like a proud grandma, but I'm pretty sure he's perfect. I spent the last 3 weeks here in Missouri, I'm really missing being with my husband but have found a new lease on life. My adult children have needed me more this year than they have in many. It's nice to be needed again. I don't feel old I feel wise, and that makes me feel confident that the advice I give is good advice . The Thinker Grandpa and Liam Grandma and Grandpa  I spent this last week helping Liam's momma at home, what a blessing this little guy is. Momma did wonderful,I have complete faith in her abilities as a loving, nurturing, mature mother. I am going to miss being with little man, but I'm ready to be with MY MAN now!!

Same Stuff Different Day

I've lost count of the days since we had "home". This life of working out of state, constantly on the road, is not something anyone could ever get used to. Even truck drivers have their cabs, a little place in this world that is their personal space. I have hope that getting the travel trailer up and ready will give me some sense of normal. Without it I always have this unsettled feeling in my gut, there is always tension it seems like and no time to rest because my mind, like my stuff, is scattered. I thought I could somehow make this different, make it better...I have tried every hack I can think to make travel easier, make packing easier. I have totes for kitchen stuff, a tote for household misc., suitcases with wheels, bags with pockets and even have bags for my bags. I get tired of complaining, I run out of positive affirmations to tell myself to keep making it through the day. I miss my home, not only the physical home, but mostly the feel. I miss routine, I miss co

Beams on the East Bound Bridge August 2019

I wasn't able to be there this time when they set beams, I was in Missouri on baby watch, the new grandson will be here any day now!Here are some pics of the beams. Beams August 2019